Tuesday, February 13, 2007

When good men do nothing

To be legally binding, Portugese referenda require a 50% turnout. The country's abortion vote at the weekend drew a mere 40% to the polling booths, and of those 59.3% said they want to legalise unborn killings up to 24 weeks for any reason.

That's 23.7% of Portugal's voters, or - if you assume a normal distribution - 18% of the population.

Nevertheless, Prime Minister Jose Socrates says he wants to press ahead with legislation to make non-medical abortion legal. If his people allow this, Poland, Éire, Spain and Malta will be the only EU states with such bans. I'm not the greatest fan of the Roman Catholic church (as an institution), but I applaud and support it for its rock-solid stand on convenience killings.

The villians in Portugal may turn out to be not Socrates or the 18% that were yes-voters, but the 60% who said nothing. Bit by ugly bit, Europe is casting off its Christian moral heritage and, as rudderless as it is faithless, enjoying its slide into a mudhole it mistakes for enlightenment.

In a society where the man on the street seems to have so little power, the Big thing is to remember that politicians are there to work for us, not the other way around. Silence lets them get away with murder.


At 5:10 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't think politicians have ever been there to represent us. They are crafty enough to use us in order to gain office but that's about the extent of it, after that they do as they please in our name. Probably the first recorded Christian incident of a real politician at work is the serpent in the garden of eden.

At 3:47 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sadly it is a sign of the times that it is almost trendy to view abortion as just another form of contraception. A lassie who is a friend of my sister-in-law has had 3 to date. While my circle of family, friends and aquaintainces find the whole thing disgusting no-one has said a word to her about it. We must be PC you see and respect her right to be murderously wrong!!!!!

"In a society where the man on the street seems to have so little power,"

Sorry BU but you couldn't be more wrong on this one. The man on the street had the chance to vote, but neglected to avail himself of the opportunity. Your headline couldn't be more appropriate however.

At 3:45 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry Tony, the man on the street had a chance to vote for candidates who were chosen for him. Those candidates were chosen on how closely they were going to adhere to the party line regardless of how it may change to whatever is expedient, not on how maverick they may be in representing TMOTS. In any event, the elected usually represent a minority view given their percentage of cast votes and/or potential votes. Until we begin to see the fetus as a living human being worthy of protection, this wholesale murder is going to continue. We live in a "throw away" world.

At 7:38 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was reffering specifically to the abortion vote Bill. Your sentiments regarding politicians are all too true.

At 5:38 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm sick of going over this with pro-lifers. The world is overpopulated. Fact. So a woman decides she doesn't want the unborn foetus inside her. Good. Better she realises now than after it was born.

I'm also sick of explaining that abortion is not a form of contraception. In an abortion the conception has already happened, hence the contra- prefix (which means against) is null and void.

"A lassie who is a friend of my sister-in-law has had 3 to date".

What would you prefer? That she instead had three feckless scumbag children living at the taxpayers expense? An aborted foetus makes no such fiscal demands, nor will it become yet another little spide/ned/chav smashing windows and attacking pensioners on yet another hovel of a British estate.

At 6:41 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

sbk: Your first two words were adequate, the rest were unnecessary.

At 11:18 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...


You have totally missed the point!!! Stop being sick and try to understand my meaning.

The lassie/lazy scumbag is using abortion paid for by the state as HER form of contraception. GET IT !!!

Rather than go to the bother of preventing herself getting preggy she justs murders her own children instead. If I am not wrong you are subjectively against murderers in other circumstances. Why not here?

"What would you prefer? That she instead had three feckless scumbag children living at the taxpayers expense?"

These scumbag children that you speak of could be for the grace of God you or I.

At 3:26 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

'convenience killings'


How do you define those as convenience so blithely when you know nothing of womens reasons? If they were pushed to risk their lives for convenience in the 50s in the UK where on earth do you get off deciding such nonsense? You have zero pity for the women of Portugal who face the same horrific nightmares now? Try reading up on it. It is not YOURS to decide or judge 'convenient'. Neither is it yours to decide for God. You show ignorance in such assumptions.

At 3:33 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

The lassie/lazy scumbag is using abortion paid for by the state as HER form of contraception. GET IT !!!

She is the EXCEPTION not the RULE by which to make your ASSUMPTIONS
Or am i? Someone who had an abortion for much much keener more dreadful reasons? Hmmm eh?


Im sick of them too SBK - - good for you.

At 5:12 p.m., Blogger B.U. said...

Anonymous (?????????????),
I have lots of pity for the Portugese women who have their babies sucked out and killed because, for most, the guilt will follow them forever. I also have pity on the innocent babies. Get a life, and let them get a life too.


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